



Morpheus 8 is a combination of needling (physical injury) and radio frequency (thermal injury). This fractional laser treatment makes use of different depths to treat dermal and sub-dermal skin concerns. We are able to optimally treat fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, acne scars, uneven skin texture and fatty deposits.

The device tip has 24 sterile coated needles that are used to penetrate into dermal and subdermal tissue in order to coagulate fat and contract connective tissue whilst the radio frequency energy creates sub-necrotic heating in the dermal layers.

What areas can be treated?

Any areas of the face and body can be treated that will benefit from sub-dermal renewal and resurfacing. Common treatment areas include but are not limited to the cheeks, periocular area, perioral area, lower face and neck.

How quickly will I see results?

Results can be seen within a few days however the greater results are seen up to three weeks after the first treatment and thereafter more regularly with further treatments.

Can anyone use Morpheus 8?

Morpheus 8 is a colour-blind device allowing us to treat all shades of skin, however more caution must be taken when treating darker phototypes due to the higher risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

How many sessions are required?

You can expect to have between 1-3 sessions, depending on your treatment regime and target area.

What is the benefit of fractionated energy?

Radiofrequency (RF) energy is a scientifically proven and supported intervention used to rebuild and remodel collagen. The method itself is minimally invasive, making use of 24 micro needles to renew the dermal/deeper skin layers with almost no downtime for the patient.

What kind of post precedure care is required?

Patients can expect minimal to no downtime with this procedure. Slight redness and inflammation can be seen in the area for up to three days post-treatment. Patients should keep the treatment area hydrated and avoid direct sun exposure whilst still using an SPF50+. Makeup can be worn 48 hours post-procedure.


Optimized for lighter skin types, Lumecca increases the potential for aesthetic therapists to treat a variety of skin types and conditions such as hyperpigmentation, superficial veins, skin texture and sun damage. Lumecca treats a wide array of skin rejuvenation concerns with a custom xenon flash lamp.

Lumecca makes use of a highly powerful and successful IPL (intense pulsed light) that is used to treat vascular and pigmented lesions on the skin. Photothermolysis is used to provide a rejuvenating photofacial whilst targeting certain conditions in the skin.

Lumecca can only be used to treat lighter shades of skin from phototype I-III.

What areas can be treated?

Lumecca can safely be used on most areas of the body and face. The most common areas of treatment are areas that are exposed regularly to the sun. This includes the face, neck, décolletage, hands and arms.

What kind of post precedure care is required?

Patients can expect minimal to no downtime with this procedure. Slight redness, darkened pigmentation and inflammation can be seen in the area for 7-10 days post-treatment. Patients should keep the treatment area hydrated and avoid direct sun exposure whilst still using an SPF50+. Makeup can be worn directly post procedure.

How many sessions are required?

Lumecca provides excellent results in as little as 2-4 sessions, compared to other pulsed light treatments that can take 5-6 sessions. After just a single session, patients notice significant improvements in their complexion and clarity of the skin.

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